Thursday, 12 December 2013

Code For All!

So recently A friend introduced me to a site called CodeCadamy.

He said "This is where I do coding stuff."
so descriptive.
Anyways, I saw it, and immediately fell in love.
side-by-side code and console, a sidebar with the current lesson;

What's not to love?

They have lessons on many things, those being:

  • Python
  • Ruby
  • PHP
  • JQuery
  • JavaScript

They also have a couple of things for if you know the skill
of choice, and want a little practice.
currently there are only two available, but there is a message
remarking that they are constantly adding new content.
the available ones are web projects and APIs.

They also have a long course on web fundamentals;
those fundamentals being HTML and CSS, of course.

I am currently working on a little bit of JavaScript,
just on the side of my schoolwork, and life stuff.

As always,

Monday, 18 November 2013

Sniff, Sniff... Hack Hack...

Ever wonder whats being sent over your network, then wanted to see it all in plain text format with no indention?no? well okay. But I wanted something like thatt for sniffing and stuff.

  • Wireshark
  • Webscarab
  • MS Network Monitor 3.4

Those are what I know of for sniffing. I've probably got more, but haven't noticed.
I guess that makes this an article on hacking tools. In that case, I have a list of all tools I have:

  • muerte
  • dnddos
  • die
  • killwin
  • nuker102
  • vconnect
  • winnukev95
  • cain/abel
  • sprite32
  • aircrack
  • nmap
  • webscarab
  • wireshark
  • MS Network Monitor 3.4
As of late, I have become interested in FTP hacking. That's right: FTP. I also LEGALLY cracked into Southwestern Florida Water Management Department's FTP server. YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT! FIX THE BLOODY SECURITY YA NUMBSKULLS!
Here's what I know:

  • It's for transferring files
  • It's relatively easy to hack
  • It's child's play. Literally. (hint hint wink wink)
I've been Eyeing a specific site for some time now, scanning it with NMap, just gathering info on it.

So far, I know that:

  1.  It runs Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
  2. It utilizes basic security
  3. open to SQL injection to MySQL (possibly)
so, yeah. Hax teh planetz I guess.

Entering the world of hacking...

First off, I will never, at any point, claim to be leet, or 1337, or any of that. i'm not gonna flatter myself.
I Will, however, tell of my journey in the world of computer crime. yes, I said computer crime. Read this if you like, don't read it if you want. I don't care. I just want to have some way to share my experiences.