Monday, 18 November 2013

Sniff, Sniff... Hack Hack...

Ever wonder whats being sent over your network, then wanted to see it all in plain text format with no indention?no? well okay. But I wanted something like thatt for sniffing and stuff.

  • Wireshark
  • Webscarab
  • MS Network Monitor 3.4

Those are what I know of for sniffing. I've probably got more, but haven't noticed.
I guess that makes this an article on hacking tools. In that case, I have a list of all tools I have:

  • muerte
  • dnddos
  • die
  • killwin
  • nuker102
  • vconnect
  • winnukev95
  • cain/abel
  • sprite32
  • aircrack
  • nmap
  • webscarab
  • wireshark
  • MS Network Monitor 3.4
As of late, I have become interested in FTP hacking. That's right: FTP. I also LEGALLY cracked into Southwestern Florida Water Management Department's FTP server. YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT! FIX THE BLOODY SECURITY YA NUMBSKULLS!
Here's what I know:

  • It's for transferring files
  • It's relatively easy to hack
  • It's child's play. Literally. (hint hint wink wink)
I've been Eyeing a specific site for some time now, scanning it with NMap, just gathering info on it.

So far, I know that:

  1.  It runs Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
  2. It utilizes basic security
  3. open to SQL injection to MySQL (possibly)
so, yeah. Hax teh planetz I guess.

Entering the world of hacking...

First off, I will never, at any point, claim to be leet, or 1337, or any of that. i'm not gonna flatter myself.
I Will, however, tell of my journey in the world of computer crime. yes, I said computer crime. Read this if you like, don't read it if you want. I don't care. I just want to have some way to share my experiences.